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How do I become a ministry partner with Magdalen Road Church? 

Interested in working cross-culturally? Wondering about support from the church? Here’s how it works at Magdalen Road Church
Deciding to venture into some kind of cross-cultural ministry requires careful thought, prayer and preparation. Even short-term options need preparation and appropriate training.
We are blessed in our church to have a number of people with considerable cross-cultural experience from different parts of the world. The people serving in the Barnabas Group are committed to help you work through the issues involved in discerning your future and walk with you on that journey.  Please come and make use of us!

Short-term ministry trips overseas

Talk to any member of the Barnabas Group (if need be, ask pastor Matt Hutchings or your home group leader to introduce you), who can help with discernment, training suggestions and debriefing afterwards.  If we adopt you as a short-term ministry partner we will commit to pray for you before and during your trip and may be able to supply a small financial grant.  We expect you to have been attending our church for a minimum of a year, to communicate with the church before, during and after your trip and to undergo a debriefing process afterwards. Students are welcome to discuss this option with us!

Long-term partnership

Before adopting you as a long-term ministry partner we would expect you to have been an actively serving member of the church for at least two years. You would need to be committed to a process of working closely from the beginning with the Barnabas Group and the Elders for prayerful discernment. If we were to commit to supporting you financially you need to be aware that this process is likely to take a minimum of a year and may take longer. Please get in touch in the first instance with Catherine Weston (Deacon) to explore matters further.